We started with regular ABA, and for that we really liked A Work in Progress, by Leaf and McEachin. We found it
very easy to follow, better than some others in the same category. It was easy to determine what steps to take next.
We segued into Verbal Behavior almost without meaning too. We were actually doing it, after a fashion. Then
I heard about it, and started reading about it. It made a lot of sense -- pairing yourself with reinforcer, and making
the whole thing fun for your student. They start with manding, the most reinforcing activity for anybody, and the best
place to start.
I got Sundberg and Partington's books off their website, http://www.behavioranalysts.com. They were very helpful. I got ABLLS most recently. It has been extremely helpful in determining what are
the logical next skills to pursue.
Another player in the Verbal Behavior field is Dr. Vincent Carbone. He gives workshops in VB, and is probably
the most interesting provider of these sorts of workshops. That is important when you have spent big bucks to be there,
and the workshop goes on 6-8 hours a day. You can find his workshop schedule on his website http://www.drcarbone.net/
I think another important topic to look at early on is sensory integration. A good starting point is The Out-of-Sync
Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz. But the logical next follow-up is Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration
available at http://www.comeunity.com/disability/sensory_integration/bkbridges.html Another great book is Raising a Sensory Smart Child by Lindsey Biel. It's very understandable with lots
of practical applications.
I think diet is an important third leg to addressing your child's autism. Therapy, SI and diet. Unraveling
the Mystery of Autism by Karyn Seroussi and Special Diets for Special Kids by Lisa Lewis is the place to start. They
have a website also http://www.autismndi.com/.
